Celebrating 20 years

Thursday, 16 March 2023 14:09

Wrap opened on the 8th of March 2003 in Ibsensgate, after two years of voluntary renovation work. The original address consisted of a main building, and outhouse, and a large garden/outdoor area. Many very different projects were conceived, realised, affected by and made possible in that place over the six years that Wrap existed there.

In 2009 the Wrap project was moved to Møllendalsveien, where a complicated conflict between owners of the building ultimately concluded with the signing of a 20 year (15 + 5) year agreement in 2016. This made it viable to renovate and to re-arrange the space through a series of major building projects that lasted until the end of 2018.

The project has become an essential part of Bergen’s professional production infrastructure with it’s unique “everything under the same roof” interdisciplinary concept, and some of the best tools available for audio, video, and woodwork, along with basic, easy-to-use productions spaces and tools that are all organised with a radical attention to detail.

As an artist-run project, Wrap has an exceptionally light-weight economic model, and offers facilities at idealistic prices that reflect the economy of most independent artists. In the absence of more reasonable and realistic municipal support, we are unable to prioritise anniversaries, but we did have some colleagues over for coffee and cake, and we made this little film.

We would like to send our warmest thanks to all the artists, producers, technicians, case-workers, voluntary workers, politicians, funders and builders that have contributed to the success of this project over all these years.

Do not miss these events:

17th & 18th March: Tytebærpolitiet by Friends For Fun at “Brunosten” (Møllendalspaviljongen).

22nd & 23rd April: Speaker Park Symposium. New music compositions, performances and talks featuring and exploring the potential of the iconic Speaker Park installation. 
