Large Project Room

Per day: 170,- / 200,-

10% reduction for periods exceeding 3 weeks

With workshop (package)

Per day: 350,- / 400,-

Per week: 2100,- / 2400,-

Wood & Metal Workshop

Per day: 220,-

Per week: 1100,-

3 weeks or more: 800,- per week

With Large Project Room (package):

350,- per day,

or 2100,- / 2400,- per week

AV Lab

To rent these new purpose-built rooms, and audio equipment, please contact Wrap.

Our prices for project spaces and equipment are currently under revision.

White Room

Per day: 120,- / 150,-

10% reduction for periods exceeding 3 weeks

With Large Project Room (package) 270,- / 320,- per day

With Wood & Metal Workshop (package): 320,- per day

Paint & Polymers Workshop

Per day: 110,- / 140,-

10% reduction for periods exceeding 2 weeks

With whole Workshop Suite:

Per day: 310,- / 350,-

The prices shown on this page are intended to reflect the limited financial frameworks that are often experienced by independent professional artists. As the financial frameworks of productions vary, we have introduced a two-tier system. Most prices are now given FIRST for independent projects(.) and SECONDLY for independent projects with satisfactory/full financial support.

There are sometimes situations where art institutions produce, or are financially responsible for productions at Wrap. In such cases it is our policy to charge more commercial rates. A list of rates for institutions is available on request, by clicking this link. It is our policy to prioritise independent artists and groups, and our booking system is designed to do that.